Month: October 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Hope everyone out there had a fun and safe Halloween and got lots of candy. I finally unveiled my costume. Had it stashed away in hiding for about a month and a half now and it was finally good to get it out in the public. Actually ended up scaring a lot of people. Apparently Horse Headed people are scary, who knew.



“Entangled” Day 2 & 3

Pheewwwww. The two hardest shoot days of “Entangled” are behind me. On Day 2 (Monday Night), while battling a Frankenstorm, I got the longest and most complicated shot of the film completed. It took around half a dozen takes, but it was well worth it. The final scene comes out to be around 2:20, give or take a second or two. I then pushed through the night to pick up all the shots that required extra hands. It was a 4.5 hour shoot day, on top of just coming home from a full time job. On Tuesday, I was exhausted to say the least.

Tonight was Day 3 of shooting. The last shot which takes place inside the house location. I got to make fake blood (see pic below) consisting of red, blue, and green food coloring, flour, corn syrup, and chocolate syrup. It was tasty and it got all in my beard. Hopefully no ants will make their way into there while I am sleeping.  Tonight was probably the easiest shoot day so far.  I think It only took 2 hours and it all appears to look good.

Speaking of looking good, I rough edited the first 5 minutes are so and I believe I like the way it’s shaping up. “Entangled” started out as a 1 minute short and has now evolved into a much bigger project. No matter how this turns out I will always appreciate the fun I had making it and the challenges I had to face in order to become a become film maker, camera operator, editor, etc.

I still have one last day of shooting. Day 4 is this Saturday.  So at this point I am “Targeting” a November 11th release date. So keep that date circled in your calendars or iphones.

Anyways, like before, here is a second exclusive screenshot from “Entangled”. (May not represent final product)

My Fake Blood Mixture

“Entangled” Day 1

So, today was Day 1 of shooting for my short “Entangled”.  I had optimistically hoped to shoot the entire thing today, with maybe some pick-up shots and re-shoots on Sunday. But I ran out of time while trying to prep everything. FYI, Target and Wal-Mart doesn’t sell black construction paper. I ended up substituting it for cheap black paper table cover, but I am just glad that I wasn’t in the mood to color with a white crayon today.  I also picked up supplies to make my fake blood, none of that tub of fake blood nonsense here.

So all that got scrapped from today’s shoot was all the interior house scenes, which make up the meat of this short and has the most complicated of shots. I could have very well have shot the whole thing today, but I am not going to cut out any shots or cut corners. This will not be a half effort job. And if it was I wouldn’t expect you to watch it, so there is just no point. There is just so much practical stuff , with just a tiny bit of CGI thrown in here and there, that it really takes longer to perfect the movements and look I want. It’s basically a lot of little things thrown into a big shot.

So what got shot today? Well, the first and last scenes.  Hopefully it will mesh well with everything I will shoot on Monday. And since I had to movie shooting to Monday the release date will be pushed back to a TBA date.  Just like I am not going to rush the shoot of it, I am not going to rush the edit of it.  A lot of times, I’ll get into an editing zone where I edit waaaay into the night real fast.  It will still turn out pretty good, but a couple days later I’ll look back and notice and bunch of things I would want to change. I don’t necessarily want to have those feelings with “Entangled”.  Kinda like that one long scene in Children of Men, kinda.
Lastly here is a quick teaser shot from “Entangled”.


“Entangled” Announcement

This weekend I will begin filming the short film I wrote entitled, “Entangled”. It’s technically a Horror, but I see it more as a Supernatural Sc-Fi type of project.

I have had the idea for this film, style-wise,  for a couple years now.  But I could never put a story or premise to it. Little by little I would add ideas and possible storylines to this particular “Style”, never knowing exactly what direction it was going.  I guess it may have been all these horror movies I have been watching, from my October Movie Marathon, that something just clicked over the past few weeks.  And more specifically, last night. All these random ideas just gelled together into a cohesive premise. I laid awake for 2 hours just thinking how to pull off all these exciting ideas.

I think what I am most excited about it trying to pull off some challenges as a camera operator and editor. The story might be “simple”, but trying to execute it is anything but.  I will try to keep you updated throughout the week/weekend. Right now I am looking at a November 1 Release Date, possible Halloween if I feel like it.

Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

Exciting news. This has literally been like 3 years (More on that Later, in an upcoming blog) in the making right here. My official cover of the Crash Test Dummies 1993 one hit wonder song “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” has finally been completed. What was once just a song to annoy my then girlfriend, now current wife, has now become a video to watch over and over again. Obviously I am no singer, but it’s a silly/annoying song that really just fun to sing. My brother-in-law helped me out by doing the guitar and we probably practiced the song 8 times over 2 weeks.

October Horror Movie Marathon Challenge 2012

Well it’s that time of the year again where I try to watch a bunch of movie in October. Specifically, but not limited to, horror movies. I am going to try to watch 20 horror movies by the time Halloween ends. And as a person who take days to watch a two hour movie, this is most certainly a challenge. The list of 20 contains movies I already own, or will own during October. All Saws, Final Destinations, Paranormal Activity’s, & Resident Evil’s have been left off the list since I’ve viewed them recently or have been in the October Movie Marathon before. So here are the 20 movies, in no particular order, that I have chosen for this years Marathon. All movies are in Blu-ray for maximum enjoyment. Also, I am free to any suggestions for a movie to replace just comment below!

1) Psycho – Great simple horror movie & looks amazing on Blu-ray.

2) The Descent – Probably the most scariest movie on this list for me. Claustrophobia at it’s max. Extreme cave diving mixed in with a little bit of mind lost. Not Fun.

3) The Ring – Haven’t seen it in a very long time. Will be picking it up in the next week or so, but this will definitely be a good watch.

4)Alien – Scary Sci-fi movie. More Claustrophobia with added aliens. Good Times

5) Aliens – Like Alien but with waaay more action. No Alien 3 or Resurrection on this list!

6) Prometheus 3D – Takes place in the Alien universe, but it’s somewhat of a completely separate prequel storyline. Saw it in the theater over the summer and I loved it. But now I’ll get to watch it in 3D for the first time, when I pick it up next week.

7) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt1 3D – Hey this isn’t horror!! I know BUT it have wizards and dark lords an awesome fighting sequences and 3D!!! Also it’s called the DEATHLY HALLOWS ooooOOOOoooOOO!!!

8) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt2 3D – See above.

9) Jeepers Creepers – Another simple little horror movie with a young Justin Long. Great baddie and great thrills.

10) Cloverfield – Blair Witch style found footage movie that takes place in a big ol’ city with a big ol’ moster. grrrrrrr.

11) House of Wax – Yes the Paris Hilton one, but more importantly it’s the Supernatural star Jared Padalecki one. And people get waxed and it’s disgusting.

12) The Butterfly Effect – Awww MAN am I a sucker for time traveling movies and this is probably one of the darkest time traveling movies there is.

13) Donnie Darko – Forget what I said above this is the BEST and DARKEST time traveling movie there is. shhh sparkle motion.

14) The Blair Witch Project – Cloverfield style found footage movie that takes place in a big ol’ forest with a big ol’….witch?

15) House of 1000 CorpsesRob Zombie flick with a crazy disturbed family that lives in a house with 1000 (give or take a few) corpses.

16) The Devil’s Rejects – Rob Zombie’s sequel to House of 1000 Corpses. Insane family is on the run from THE LAW. Only seen this one once compared to the dozens of times I’ve seen the first one.

17) My Bloody Valentine 3D – Another Supernatural star in this, Jensen Ackles. Haven’t seen this one in 3D yet, but it looks to have some good pop out scenes with axes coming at me. EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!

18) Se7en – It’s kinda like SAW,  but not really. Been a loooooooooooong time since I’ve seen this.

19) Hostel 1 & 2 – Cheating here to make it to an even 20. Gross torture horror, but it’s wonderfully shot and has an actual story to it. I get my hands on this next week.

20) E.T. – Again not necessarily a horror movie (see Harry Potter), but it comes out next week – it’s in an awesome blu-ray steelbook – it has an ugly cute alien in it – and I haven’t seen it in probably 15 years. SO I AM GONNA WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!

And that’s 20..phewwww!

Honestly, I’ll be lucky if I watch 5 of them. So if I watch 6 then I’ll Considered it a success. Please comment below on how bad my taste in horror movies are. Thank You

Tick Tock Tick Tock – What You Waiting For?

Look at your watch now……

Yes it’s been darn near a month since  my last post and yes…..

I’ve been listening to Gwen Stefani.

Other than that I’ve been behind on all my video projects (due to a 10 day sickness), such as script writing and A Message From Prospekt Remastered. But don’t fret my friends, I’m in the midst of uploading more content and getting new projects together. And trying to blog more frequently. Speaking of new stuff, you should check out my baby niece being crazy with the light on my camera phone right HERE.

As for A Message From Prospekt Remastered, all of it should be uploaded during the month of October. And during this month I will started my reviews, which will be on a brand new youtube channel. That’s right you heard it here first, I am in the middle of starting up a new youtube channel dealing with reviews and feelings as not to bog down my main channel. Although I might just Reinvent A Message From Prospekt Channel and give it a new facelift so I can save it from obscurity.

That’s about it right now, but I’ll leave you with some video updates in case you missed them. Be sure to LIKE my THATENDLESSHORIZON facebook page so you won’t miss out on anything!